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kick off meeting agenda template
a project kickoff meeting is the first meeting between a project team and the client or sponsor of a project when kicking off a new project. they’re a chance for you as the project manager to properly educate the team and develop cohesion before finding yourselves floundering in front of a client. it’s the start of casting a vision for why the team should care about the project and helping everyone understands that what they’re doing is contributing to something that’s worthwhile. in order for the project to be a success, the team needs to feel like it’s their project. as a project manager, you should already have a plan in place for the client kickoff meeting – the purpose of reviewing it with your team is to get their buy in and provide a sense of context and urgency for the next steps. but there is a simple way to help improve the chances of your project kickoff meeting going well, have better client meetings, and start your project on a positive trajectory.
in the ‘real’ kickoff meeting, there’ll be a chance to recap with the full project team on roles and responsibilities, so the purpose of discussing the project team is to try and gain and share some insight on team dynamics. it’s important that you highlight rounds of review, dependencies and assumptions so that you’re on the same page with regards to what the project will ultimately deliver. but whether it’s basecamp or jira, trello or kanbanize, make a plan with your team of how you’re going to work together so that you can share with the client a plan for what you’re going to use, and how you’re going to use them. the client project kickoff meeting is an opportunity to hear from the client and their project team as well as other stakeholders about the project and get a broader understanding of the background, business drivers that led to the project being initiated, a project briefing and discussion around making it a success. remember, as much as information gathering, and glad-handing, the project kickoff meeting is an opportunity to demonstrate to the client and stakeholders, ‘we’ve got this!’ – that they’ve made a solid choice in selecting your agency and you know what you’re doing. you also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies.
get everything you need to nail it: a project kickoff meeting agenda the client and so you can ensure that the format and detail works for them. a kickass project kick-off meeting orients your team and moves things forward. here are our favorite activities to include (don’t miss the example agenda page in how to save projects, one kickoff meeting agenda at a time efforts, consider a kickoff meeting template—essentially, a flexible agenda that project background project purpose scope plan, kick off meeting agenda template word, kick off meeting agenda template word, kick off meeting email template, kick off meeting agenda for construction project, kick off meeting purpose, kick off meeting purpose
kick off meeting agenda template format
if all you do is have a manager flip through a deck of bullet-point slides while the team pretends not to be sleeping, you’re wasting everyone’s time. pick a set of activities from the selection below based on what your project needs to succeed. start a new page in confluence to capture notes and photos from each of the activites. refer to the activities below as you plan out the agenda. here’s the suggested order and timing: the team has a shared vision and collective purpose which they support, and confidence they have made the right strategic bets to achieve success. think about your project through the eyes of your customers – who may be internal or external – and what problem you’re trying to solve for them. read through each sticky and let the team know they’re free to comment or ask questions. have everyone write down what they feel should be in and out of scope for the project.
make a note to follow up on them after the session. as a group, predict when you’ll hit these milestones and what pieces of the project need to be complete for each. this helps you capture all aspects of the project, and develop a shared understanding. or draw a flow-chart of the user journey. note them up on the diagram, allowing each person to talk through their ideas. make sure to create jira issues for any follow-up tasks coming out of this, and add them to the project plan. will you create a chat room for the core project team to use? between the core and the mix n’ match activities, you probably have a few follow-up tasks distributed amongst the team.
how to get everyone on the same page for a project kickoff? start with a clear, concise project kickoff meeting agenda. here are 5 things to kick-off meeting activity checklist, 2) a kick-off meeting agenda template, 3) guidelines on developing a stakeholder communication plan and 4) a sample project free kickoff meeting agenda template. the kickoff meeting sets the tone for the entire project. make sure you get it right. editable, no logins required., construction kick off meeting template, initial project meeting agenda, project kickoff meeting template doc, project kickoff meeting template doc, project kick off meeting invite email, kick off meeting agenda template word, kick off meeting email template, kick off meeting agenda for construction project, kick off meeting purpose, construction kick off meeting template, initial project meeting agenda, project kickoff meeting template doc, project kick off meeting invite email
kick off meeting agenda template download
a kickoff meeting is the first meeting between the project team and the project stakeholder, who can either be internal or external. whether your project meeting is for internal or external stakeholders, here are four tips to consider to get the most out of your meeting. your agenda will guide the conversation and ultimately the project as a whole, so it is acceptable to dedicate even a few minutes to a topic or a simple series of questions. while the kickoff meeting is technically designed for project alignment, time spent strengthening the working relationship between team and stakeholder can prove to be beneficial—and potentially critical—during the challenging moments of any project. to make this section quick, easy, and clear, you can use a visual timeline, paired with a few brief sentences at each stage of the project’s history using a lucidchart template. the project scope is where all parties agree upon a statement of the work with specified features and/or functions.
or, is it a hard deadline, with non-negotiable test and go-live dates? simply decide how the project will be done, from defining deliverables and resources to milestones and handoffs. you can use a lucidchart project timeline or gantt chart to help track where you’re at in the process and conduct your sprint planning together as multiple editors add cards to your board in real time. identify a central location to host project processes, document versions, notes, and feedback, complete with the ability to easily share updates and information as quickly as possible. lucidchart is a one-stop shop; you can link and build all your documentation in one place, with real-time updates and instant access to documents so you can get the most out of your kickoff meeting and project planning stages, while putting great ideas into practice. lucidchart is the essential visual productivity platform that helps anyone understand and share ideas, information, and processes with clarity.